Saturday, September 30, 2006

Wow, he is on a roll!

Well this is 2 consecutive days that I post on the old blog. Anyway today was a school free day. I did trim the hedge and my very helpful nephew mowed the front and back lawn. After weed eating we had lunch. Anyway it is a relaxing day and I look forward to more days like this post graduation. I am off to make CDs.

Friday, September 29, 2006

Update For My Readers.

Well, you may thought I disappeared from the face of the earth unless you know otherwise. {you know who you are :) } Two weeks ago I went to the career fair and spoke to 16 companies. I was nervous but after the 3rd encounter it got easier. I interviewed with National Instruments, based in Austin TX. It was my first interview for an Engineering job. I was blindsided by two computer programming questions. I assure you that I will be better prepared in the future. My team and I delivered our Preliminary Design Review to our customer. The PDR went well and we will adjust our design based on our customer’s response. I was very nervous for both the interview and the PDR. The PDR was video taped and we will watch the video on Tuesday.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Talking in Circles

On the way to the Engineering Library I was thinking about a blogger’s responsibility to his or her blog. What responsibility do I have to my blog or is my responsibility to my reader(s). Do I need to post something everyday or every week or some other interval? Anyway I realized it should be enjoyable for me to write and post and certainly should not seem like a chore. Inevitably my thought process came back to reason the blog was started, was it started my personal release through writing or to comment on social issues or to post family photos? Anyway I talked myself around a circle.

P.S. School is going well. Thermodynamics is way too early in the morning and the instructor in the Senior Lab always runs long and yet no one leaves this class. I hope all of my reader(s) are will. Thank you taking the time to read this post.