Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Getting Reacquainted

Well today is my last night on the third shift, my last night working from 3 PM to 11 PM, and my last night away from my wife whom I love. As with all jobs there are things I enjoyed and things I did not enjoy. The people on my shift are wonderful and hard working people. I am privileged to have known them all. They have expanded my view of the world and politics. I was on leave last night and my wife and I played Scrabble™. It was close and I held the lead briefly. My wife won by less than 15 but we had fun. We are going to see a movie tomorrow night and I am looking forward to that. I start my new job on Monday and Saturday my friend and I are going to replace the wax ring on our toilet and my father in law’s toilet.


kpjara said...

I'm so glad the tenure is complete! And I'm going to HAVE to start studying the Scrabble dictionary again!

tam said...

ooooh competition sparks ingenuity!

congratulations again Pdiddy!