Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Transition Time

Well, as the semester has ended I am in that familiar transition period. During this time I always feel like I need to be studying something or completing an assignment but I do not. I am looking forward to eating lunch with my wife and not getting up early. This is where I am at so my question is "Where you at?"


tam said...

For not knowing what to say or not being able to put thoughts down...

(your words not mine-i believe wholeheartedly you have plenty to say even if it seems mundane to you)

...uh, you just put a rather BIG things out there...i"ll have to ponder and come back later...

kpjara said...

In the words of my mother....and in answer to your question....

I'm behind the "t". You should NOT end a sentence with a preposition.

I am AT the very pinnacle of change in our lives. I am literally dangling my feet off the edge of the world, getting up enough nerve to dive right into the new waters!

Perhaps you are already to take a class together, no break necessary?

tam said...

ok, I think I might have it...kp helped with her imagery...

I am in a thick dust cloud...no hearing, no smell, no sight...just the "extra sixth sense" to help me find my Holy Trinity and keep me grounded and focused and on the path God wants me on which will lead me out of the cloud.

some days I am successful and other days not so much.

there. i am...there.

pdiddy said...

tam, that is good the Holy Trinity is with you.